Biget Referral Code : orhd (How to get fees discount)
The exchange that I will introduce today is one that is always in the top 5 every week on the 'Coin Market Gap' coin information site.
Bitget in CoinMarketGap
It is the BitGet exchange.
In addition, for those who wish to use the BitGet exchange, we will also provide a 50% lifetime discount code for a special partner fee.
In addition, we are also providing additional benefits for deposit (seed) that can be used for direct spot or futures trading even if you just trade.
All you need to do is simply enter the referral code and you'll get all the benefits.
It's simple.
Simply enter the orhd code when registering as a BitGet member.
Bitcoin Exchange BitGet (Invitation Code: orhd)
Maximum benefits of official partners [$580+50% commission discount]
PC automatic application Go to membership registration - Bitget
Auto-applied when signing up for mobile - Bitget
(Direct English input when joining the APP)
All preparations for BitGet trading have been completed.
Start trading now in multiple languages.
14 languages supported by BitGet.
1. English
2. 한국어 (Korean)
3. 日本語 (Japanese)
4. Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
5. Русский (Russian)
6. Español (Spanish)
7. Türkçe (Turkish)
8. Français (French)
9. Deutsch (German)
10. Português (Portuguese)
11. 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
12. 繁體中文 (traditional Chinese)
13. Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
14. Italiano (Italian)
Bitget provides translation services for the above 14 languages.
Available in almost any language.
Bitget vs other exchanges
Do you want to compare with other exchanges?
Bybit Referral Code : 21482 (How to get fees discount)
If you want to compare with other exchanges, please refer to my Bybit post.
Thanks for reading this post.